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DragSelect works well with any library out of the box. But for your convenience we created this example page to see how we use it in the "react way"!

PS: We are looking into creating custom wrappers for libraries. We will update this guide as soon as available.

1. Create a context

Feel free to copy+paste the code:

import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react";
import DragSelect, { DSInputElement } from "dragselect";

type ProviderProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
settings?: ConstructorParameters<typeof DragSelect<DSInputElement>>[0];

const Context = createContext<DragSelect<DSInputElement> | undefined>(

function DragSelectProvider({ children, settings = {} }: ProviderProps) {
const [ds, setDS] = useState<DragSelect<DSInputElement>>();

useEffect(() => {
setDS((prevState) => {
if (prevState) return prevState;
return new DragSelect({});
return () => {
if (ds) {
}, [ds]);

useEffect(() => {
}, [ds, settings]);

return <Context.Provider value={ds}>{children}</Context.Provider>;

function useDragSelect() {
return useContext(Context);

export { DragSelectProvider, useDragSelect };

2. Wrap it

import React from "react";

import { DragSelectProvider } from "./DragSelectContext";

export const MyComponent = () => (
// you can add initial settings by passing a settings object
<DragSelectProvider settings={{ selectorClass: styles.selector }}>
<SomeOtherComponentsThatNeedsDragSelect />

3. Use it

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useDragSelect } from "./DragSelectContext";

export const SomeOtherComponentsThatNeedsDragSelect = () => {
const ds = useDragSelect();
const inputEl = useRef(null);

// adding a selectable element
useEffect(() => {
const element = inputEl.current as unknown as HTMLElement;
if (!element || !ds) return;
}, [ds, inputEl]);

// subscribing to a callback
useEffect(() => {
if (!ds) return;
const id = ds.subscribe("DS:end", (e) => {
// do something

return () => ds.unsubscribe("DS:end", null, id!);
}, [ds]);

return (
<button ref={inputEl} aria-labelledby="Selectable">

DragSelect also exports some helper types for type safety, i.e. DSPubCallback which you can pass in the subscriber for the callback type safety:

import { DSPubCallback } from "dragselect";
const cb: DSPubCallback<"DS:end"> = ({ items = [] }) => {
console.log("CALLBACK", items);

You can see this example in use within this docusaurus project. I.e. the context provider here and a random useage example here