aka Constructor Properties
aka Properties
aka options
const ds = new DragSelect({
selectables: document.querySelectorAll('.selectable'),
DragSelect is hyper customizable: all properties are optional, you can totally just pass an empty object and set the settings later. See updating-settings
property | type | default | description |
selectables | [HTMLElement | SVGElement] | HTMLElement | SVGElement | [] | The elements that can be selected |
area | HTMLElement | SVGElement | Document | document | The square in which you are able to select the elements |
selector | HTMLElement | Is Auto-Created | The square that will be used to draw the selection. |
selectionThreshold | number | 0 | How much % of the element has to be selected to be considered selected (0 = just touching, 1 = fully inside the selection) |
multiSelectMode | boolean | false | Add newly selected elements to the selection instead of replacing them |
multiSelectToggling | boolean | true | Whether or not to toggle already active elements while multi-selecting (default mimics MacOS behavior) |
multiSelectKeys | ['Shift'|'Control'|'Meta'|string] | ['Control', 'Shift', 'Meta'] | Keys for multi-selection. Any key value is possible (see MDN docs). The best support is given for Control, Shift and Meta. Provide an empty array [] if you want to turn off the functionality. |
property | type | default | description |
autoScrollSpeed | number | 5 | The speed in which the area scrolls while selecting (if available). The unit is arbitrary (aims for 30fps). Set to 0.0001 to disable auto-scrolling |
overflowTolerance | { x:number, y:number } | { x: 25, y: 25 } | Tolerance for autoScroll (how close one has to be near an edges for autoScroll to start) |
property | type | default | description |
draggability | boolean | true | When a user is dragging on an already selected element, the selection is dragged. |
useTransform | boolean | true | Whether to use the more performant hardware accelerated css transforms when dragging instead of the top/left positions. |
immediateDrag | boolean | true | Whether a selectable element is draggable before being selected or needs to be selected first |
keyboardDrag | boolean | true | Whether or not the user can drag with the keyboard (Accessibility). |
dragKeys | { up:string[], down:string[], left:string[], right:string[] } | { up:['ArrowUp'], down: ['ArrowDown'], left: ['ArrowLeft'], right: ['ArrowRight'] } | The keys available to drag element using the keyboard. Any key value is possible (see MDN docs). |
keyboardDragSpeed | number | 10 | The speed at which elements are dragged using the keyboard. In pixels per keyDown. |
property | type | default | description |
dropZones | [{ id:string, element:HTMLElement, droppables?: [HTMLElement | SVGElement] | HTMLElement | SVGElement }] | [] | Zones with association of droppable items that can be dropped into them. id : any unique identifying string. element : is the dropzone itself. droppables : the elements that can be dropped into that zone. This is optional, by default it is all selectables |
dropInsideThreshold | number | 1 | How much % of the item has to be inside the dropzone to be considered inside (0 = barely touching, 1 = completely inside) |
dropTargetThreshold | number | 0 | How much % of the zone does the pointer has to be in to be considered a target (0 = anywhere in the zone, max: 0.5 = has to point at the center of the zone) |
property | type | default | description |
customStyles | boolean | false | If true, no styles will be automatically applied to the selector element (except position: absolute) |
selectedClass | string | ds-selected | The class name assigned to the selected items. |
hoverClass | string | ds-hover | The class name assigned to the mouse hovered items. |
selectorClass | string | ds-selector | The class name assigned to the square selector helper. |
selectableClass | string | ds-selectable | The class name assigned to the elements that can be selected. |
selectorAreaClass | string | ds-selector-area | The class assigned to the square in which the selector resides. By default it's invisible |
droppedTargetClass | string | ds-dropped-target & ds-dropped-target-${} | On an item corresponding the target dropzone. This is also the prefix for ds-dropped-target-${}. |
droppedInsideClass | string | ds-dropped-inside & ds-dropped-inside-${} | On an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop. This is also the prefix for ds-dropped-inside-${} |
droppableClass | string | ds-droppable & ds-droppable-${} | On element that can be dropped into at least one container. This is also the prefix for ds-droppable-${} |
dropZoneClass | string | ds-dropzone | On each dropZone |
dropZoneReadyClass | string | ds-dropzone-ready | On corresponding dropZone when element is dragged |
dropZoneTargetClass | string | ds-dropzone-target | On dropZone that has elements from any successful target drop |
dropZoneInsideClass | string | ds-dropzone-inside | On dropZone that has elements inside after any drop |
property | type | default | description |
refreshMemoryRate | number (milliseconds) | 80 | Refresh rate on memoization, higher numbers mean better performance but more lag if elements are moving while interacting/selecting, lower numbers mean less lag but worse performance. If none of your DOMNodes are moving, you can set it to a very high number to increase performance |
usePointerEvents | boolean | false | Whether to use Pointer Events to replace traditional Mouse or Touch Events. Useful for tools like Google Blockly. |
zoom | number | 1 | Zoom scale factor (in case of using CSS style transform: scale() which messes with real positions). Unit scale zoom. (deprecated) |
DragSelect Example with all Props
Here is an example using all available settings for your convenience:
new DragSelect({
selectables: document.querySelectorAll('.selectable'),
area: document.querySelector('#area'),
selector: document.querySelector('#selector'),
selectionThreshold: 0,
multiSelectMode: false,
multiSelectToggling: true,
multiSelectKeys: ['Control', 'Shift', 'Meta'],
autoScrollSpeed: 5,
overflowTolerance: { x: 25, y: 25 },
draggability: true,
useTransform: true,
immediateDrag: true,
keyboardDrag: true,
dragKeys: { up:['ArrowUp'], down: ['ArrowDown'], left: ['ArrowLeft'], right: ['ArrowRight'] },
keyboardDragSpeed: 10,
dropZones: [{ id: 'foo', element: document.querySelector('#zone') }],
dropInsideThreshold: 1,
dropTargetThreshold: 0,
customStyles: false,
selectedClass: 'ds-selected',
hoverClass: 'ds-hover',
selectorClass: 'ds-selector',
selectableClass: 'ds-selectable',
selectorAreaClass: 'ds-selector-area',
droppedTargetClass: 'ds-dropped-target',
droppedInsideClass: 'ds-dropped-inside',
droppableClass: 'ds-droppable',
dropZoneClass: 'ds-dropzone',
dropZoneReadyClass: 'ds-dropzone-ready',
dropZoneTargetClass: 'ds-dropzone-target',
dropZoneInsideClass: 'ds-dropzone-inside',
refreshMemoryRate: 80,
usePointerEvents: false,
zoom: 1,