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CSS Classes (Styling)

DragSelect adds some useful classes to the elements by default. note: you can change every class name via settings, see Settings section.


ds-selectedOn items that are selected
ds-hoverOn items that are currently hovered
ds-selectorOn the selector element
ds-selector-areaThe overlay where the selector resides in
ds-selectableOn items that can be selected


ds-droppableOn item that can be dropped into at least one zone
ds-droppable-${id}On item that can be dropped into a zone with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding
ds-dropped-targetOn an item corresponding the target dropzone
ds-dropped-target-${id}On an item corresponding the target dropzone with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding
ds-dropped-insideOn an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop
ds-dropped-inside-${id}On an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding


ds-dropzoneOn each dropZone
ds-dropzone-readyOn corresponding dropZone when corresponding item is being dragged
ds-dropzone-targetOn dropZone when it was target of a successful drop
ds-dropzone-insideOn dropZone that has elements inside after any drop